The contours from the MCMC seem to be too large. I'm going to take some points on the chain and plot the emulator prediciton along with the "truth" at that point and see if they make sense. Additionally, part of my concern is that the errors for the emulator are not right. If I draw a lot of samples from the emulator at that point vs several repops, they should be similar.

In [8]:
from pearce.emulator import OriginalRecipe, ExtraCrispy
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
import numpy as np
from os import path

In [9]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
from chainconsumer import ChainConsumer

In [10]:
training_dir = '/u/ki/swmclau2/des/PearceLHC_wp_z_normal_errors'

em_method = 'gp'
split_method = 'random'

In [11]:
fixed_params = {'z':0.0}#, 'r':0.18477483}
n_leaves, n_overlap = 10, 2 emu = ExtraCrispy(training_dir, n_leaves, n_overlap, split_method, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params)
emu = OriginalRecipe(training_dir, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params)

In [12]:
emu = ExtraCrispy(training_dir,10,2,'random', method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params)

In [13]:

array([  0.0937359 ,   0.18477483,   0.29469917,   0.41375889,
         0.58091924,   0.81561308,   1.14512422,   1.60775928,
         2.25730085,   3.16925998,   4.44965447,   6.24733375,
         8.77128311,  12.31491873,  17.29019819,  24.27551166,  34.08292144])

In [14]:

(0.2, 0.7)

In [15]:
emulation_point = [('f_c', 0.233), ('logM0', 12.0), ('sigma_logM', 0.333),
                    ('alpha', 1.053),('logM1', 13.5), ('logMmin', 12.033)]

em_params = dict(emulation_point)

del em_params['z']

param_names = em_params.keys()

In [16]:
cosmo_params = {'simname':'chinchilla', 'Lbox':400.0, 'scale_factors':[1.0]}
cat = cat_dict[cosmo_params['simname']](**cosmo_params)

In [17]:
scale_factor = 1.0
HOD = 'redMagic'
cat.load(scale_factor, HOD=HOD)

In [18]:
rp_bins =  list(np.logspace(-1,1.5,19) )
rp_bins = np.array(rp_bins)
rpoints =  (rp_bins[1:]+rp_bins[:-1])/2.0

In [19]:
fname = '/u/ki/swmclau2/des/PearceMCMC/100_walkers_5000_steps_chain_large_errors.npy'

In [20]:
chain = np.genfromtxt(fname)

In [22]:
sample_idx = 1
#em_point = dict(zip(param_names, chain[sample_idx, :]))
#em_point = dict(zip(emu.get_param_names(), emu.x[sample_idx, :]))
em_point = dict(zip(emu.get_param_names(), emu.x[sample_idx, :]))
n_samples = 10 mock_wp_samples = np.zeros((n_samples, rpoints.shape[0])) mock_nd_samples = np.zeros((n_samples,)) for i in xrange(n_samples): print i cat.populate(em_point) mock_wp_samples[i,:] = np.log10(cat.calc_wp(rp_bins, 40)) mock_nd_samples[i] = cat.calc_number_density()
np.savetxt('mock_wp_samples.npy',mock_wp_samples) np.savetxt('mock_nd_samples.npy',mock_nd_samples)
mock_wp_samples = np.loadtxt('mock_wp_samples.npy') mock_nd_samples = np.loadtxt('mock_nd_samples.npy')
emulator_wp_samples = np.zeros((n_samples, rpoints.shape[0])) emulator_nd_samples = np.zeros((n_samples,)) for i in xrange(n_samples): emulator_wp_samples[i,:] = emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints) emulator_nd_samples[i] = cat.calc_analytic_nd(em_point)

In [23]:

OrderedDict([('logMmin', (11.7, 12.5)),
             ('sigma_logM', (0.2, 0.7)),
             ('logM0', (10, 13)),
             ('logM1', (13.1, 14.3)),
             ('alpha', (0.75, 1.25)),
             ('f_c', (0.1, 0.5)),
             ('r', (0.093735900000000011, 34.082921444999997))])

In [24]:

{'alpha': array([ 12.117     ,   0.555     ,  11.449     ,  13.829     ,
          1.035     ,   0.454     ,   0.50095787]),
 'f_c': array([ 12.003     ,   0.244     ,  12.549     ,  13.167     ,
          0.981     ,   0.473     ,  -0.73335719]),
 'logM0': array([ 12.245    ,   0.408    ,  11.575    ,  13.552    ,   0.877    ,
          0.107    ,   0.0588526]),
 'logM1': array([ 12.049     ,   0.323     ,  11.816     ,  14.158     ,
          1.036     ,   0.268     ,   0.20622102]),
 'logMmin': array([ 12.001     ,   0.664     ,  10.908     ,  13.843     ,
          0.999     ,   0.397     ,   1.53253681]),
 'r': array([ 12.407     ,   0.474     ,  12.976     ,  13.126     ,
          1.219     ,   0.415     ,  -0.73335719]),
 'sigma_logM': array([ 12.075     ,   0.437     ,  11.725     ,  13.437     ,
          1.117     ,   0.322     ,   0.20622102])}

In [25]:
colors = sns.color_palette("husl")
mock_color = colors[0]
emulator_color = colors[2]
n_repops = 50 true_wp_samples = np.zeros((n_repops, rpoints.shape[0])) true_nd_samples = np.zeros((n_repops,)) for i in xrange(n_repops): if i%5==0: print i cat.populate(em_params) true_wp_samples[i,:] = np.log10(cat.calc_wp(rp_bins, 40)) true_nd_samples[i] = cat.calc_number_density() true_wp = np.mean(true_wp_samples, axis = 0) true_wp_errs = np.std(true_wp_samples, axis = 0)

In [26]:
print true_wp

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-3710260bad96> in <module>()
----> 1 print true_wp

NameError: name 'true_wp' is not defined

In [108]:

array([ 0.00209754,  0.00171462,  0.00270575,  0.00253459,  0.00294978,
        0.00327155,  0.00399784,  0.00401551,  0.00361685,  0.0028892 ,
        0.00206353,  0.00262676,  0.00209266,  0.00310619,  0.00527247,
        0.00343469,  0.00668499])

In [123]:
plt.plot(rpoints, (true_wp_samples/true_wp).T, color = mock_color, alpha = 0.7);
plt.ylim([0.95, 1.05])

n_repops = 10 true_wp_samples_em = np.zeros((n_repops, rpoints.shape[0])) true_nd_samples_em = np.zeros((n_repops,)) for i in xrange(n_repops): cat.populate(em_params) true_wp_samples_em[i,:] = emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_params, rpoints) true_nd_samples_em[i] = cat.calc_analytic_nd(em_params) true_wp_emulator = np.mean(true_wp_samples_em, axis = 0) true_wp_errs_emulator = np.std(true_wp_samples_em, axis = 0)
chain_wp_samples = np.zeros((n_samples, rpoints.shape[0])) chain_nd_samples = np.zeros((n_samples,)) n_samples = 50 for i in xrange(n_samples): print i sample_idx = -1*(1+i*1000) em_point = dict(zip(param_names, chain[sample_idx, :])) wp_samples = np.zeros((n_repops, rpoints.shape[0])) nd_samples = np.zeros((n_repops,)) for j in xrange(n_repops): cat.populate(em_point) wp_samples[j,:] = np.log10(cat.calc_wp(rp_bins, 40)) nd_samples[j] = cat.calc_number_density() chain_wp_samples[i,:] = wp_samples.mean(axis=0) chain_nd_samples[i] = nd_samples.mean() #chain_wp_samples[i,:] = emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints) #chain_nd_samples[i] = cat.calc_analytic_nd(em_point)
for i in xrange(n_samples): sample_idx = -1*(1+i*1000) print chain[sample_idx, :]
plt.plot(rpoints, (chain_wp_samples/true_wp).T, alpha = 0.4) #plt.errorbar(rpoints, true_wp, yerr=true_wp_errs) plt.xscale('log') plt.ylim([0.95, 1.05]) plt.title('Computed average wp of %d random chain samples over wp of "true" point'%n_samples)

In [28]:
emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints)

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/ UserWarning: One value for r is outside the bounds (0.094, 34.083) of the emulator.
  pname, plow, phigh))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-75f4152a7143> in <module>()
----> 1 emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints)

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/emu.pyc in emulate_wrt_r(self, em_params, r_bin_centers, gp_errs)
    695             del ep['z']
--> 697         out = self.emulate_wrt_r_z(ep, r_bin_centers, z_bin_centers, gp_errs)
    699         # Extract depending on if there are errors

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/emu.pyc in emulate_wrt_r_z(self, em_params, r_bin_centers, z_bin_centers, gp_errs)
    781         # now, emulate.
--> 782         out = self.emulate(vep, gp_errs)
    783         if gp_errs:
    784             _mu, _errs = out

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/emu.pyc in emulate(self, em_params, gp_errs)
    664             t = np.array([t])
--> 666         return self._emulate_helper(t, gp_errs)
    668     @abstractmethod

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/emu.pyc in _emulate_helper(self, t, gp_errs)
   1406         for i, (emulator, _y) in enumerate(izip(self._emulators, self.y)):
   1407             if self.method == 'gp':
-> 1408                 local_mu, local_cov = emulator.predict(_y, t, mean_only=False)
   1409                 local_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(local_cov))
   1410             else:

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/george-0.2.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/george/gp.pyc in predict(self, y, t, mean_only)
    296         """
    297         self.recompute()
--> 298         self._compute_alpha(y)
    299         xs, i = self.parse_samples(t, False)

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/george-0.2.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/george/gp.pyc in _compute_alpha(self, y)
    149             r = np.ascontiguousarray(self._check_dimensions(y)[self.inds]
    150                                      - self.mean(self._x), dtype=np.float64)
--> 151             self._alpha = self.solver.apply_inverse(r, in_place=True)
    153     def compute(self, x, yerr=TINY, sort=True, **kwargs):

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/george-0.2.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/george/basic.pyc in apply_inverse(self, y, in_place)
     97         """
---> 98         return cho_solve(self._factor, y, overwrite_b=in_place)
    100     def apply_sqrt(self, r):

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/linalg/decomp_cholesky.pyc in cho_solve(c_and_lower, b, overwrite_b, check_finite)
    162     (c, lower) = c_and_lower
    163     if check_finite:
--> 164         b1 = asarray_chkfinite(b)
    165         c = asarray_chkfinite(c)
    166     else:

/u/ki/swmclau2/.conda/envs/hodemulator/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/function_base.pyc in asarray_chkfinite(a, dtype, order)
   1213     if a.dtype.char in typecodes['AllFloat'] and not np.isfinite(a).all():
   1214         raise ValueError(
-> 1215             "array must not contain infs or NaNs")
   1216     return a

ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs

In [27]:
MAP = chain.mean(axis = 0)
em_point = dict(zip(param_names, MAP))
print np.sum( ( (true_wp-emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints))/(true_wp_errs) )**2)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-27-ade7f79f1c38> in <module>()
      1 MAP = chain.mean(axis = 0)
      2 em_point = dict(zip(param_names, MAP))
----> 3 print np.sum( ( (true_wp-emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints))/(true_wp_errs) )**2)

NameError: name 'true_wp' is not defined

In [110]:
(true_wp-emu.emulate_wrt_r(em_point, rpoints))/true_wp_errs

array([[-16.69542764, -22.4876462 , -13.77470447, -13.93359851,
        -11.03962012,  -8.8317279 ,  -6.32030995,  -4.36582549,
         -3.09686489,  -4.97890701,  -6.60491542,  -4.5602991 ,
         -6.67843814,  -3.53565068,  -2.04078573,  -3.63070902,

In [111]:

array([ 0.00663301,  0.00542211,  0.00855634,  0.00801506,  0.00932803,
        0.01034554,  0.01264228,  0.01269816,  0.01143748,  0.00913645,
        0.00652546,  0.00830653,  0.00661757,  0.00982265,  0.016673  ,
        0.01086144,  0.02113979])

In [112]:
print np.sum( ( (true_nd_samples.mean()-cat.calc_analytic_nd(em_point))/(true_nd_samples.std()) )**2)


In [113]:


In [114]:


In [26]:
_emu = emu
_cat = cat
global _emu
global _cat

In [27]:
from itertools import izip
def lnprior(theta, param_names, *args):
    Prior for an MCMC. Default is to assume flat prior for all parameters defined by the boundaries the
    emulator is built from. Retuns negative infinity if outside bounds or NaN
    :param theta:
        The parameters proposed by the sampler.
    :param param_names
        The names identifying the values in theta, needed to extract their boundaries
        Either 0 or -np.inf, depending if the params are allowed or not.
    for p, t in izip(param_names, theta):
        low, high = _emu.get_param_bounds(p)
        if np.isnan(t) or t < low or t > high:
            return -np.inf
    return 0

def lnlike(theta, param_names, r_bin_centers, y, combined_inv_cov, obs_nd, obs_nd_err, nd_func_name):
    :param theta:
        Proposed parameters.
    :param param_names:
        The names of the parameters in theta
    :param r_bin_centers:
        The centers of the r bins y is measured in, angular or radial.
    :param y:
        The measured value of the observable to compare to the emulator.
    :param combined_inv_cov:
        The inverse covariance matrix. Explicitly, the inverse of the sum of the mesurement covaraince matrix
        and the matrix from the emulator. Both are independent of emulator parameters, so can be precomputed.
    :param obs_nd
        Observed number density
    :param obs_nd_err
        Uncertainty in the observed nd
    :param nd_func
        Function that can compute the number density given a dictionary of HOD params.
        The log liklihood of theta given the measurements and the emulator.
    param_dict = dict(izip(param_names, theta))
    y_bar = _emu.emulate_wrt_r(param_dict, r_bin_centers)[0]
    # should chi2 be calculated in log or linear?
    # answer: the user is responsible for taking the log before it comes here.
    delta = y_bar - y

    chi2 = -0.5 *,, delta))

    #print y_bar
    #print y
    #print obs_nd-getattr(_cat, nd_func_name)(param_dict),obs_nd, getattr(_cat, nd_func_name)(param_dict)
    #print chi2,
    #return chi2 - 0.5*((obs_nd-getattr(_cat, nd_func_name)(param_dict))/obs_nd_err)**2
    return chi2, chi2 - 0.5*((obs_nd-getattr(_cat, nd_func_name)(param_dict))/obs_nd_err)**2

def lnprob(theta, *args):
    The total liklihood for an MCMC. Mostly a generic wrapper for the below functions.
    :param theta:
        Parameters for the proposal
    :param args:
        Arguments to pass into the liklihood
        Log Liklihood of theta, a float.
    lp = lnprior(theta, *args)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
        return -np.inf

    return lp + lnlike(theta, *args)

In [28]:
from scipy.linalg import inv
cov = np.cov(true_wp_samples.T)
combined_inv_cov = inv(np.diag(_emu.ycov)+cov)

In [29]:

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fec7988d4d0>

In [30]:
print np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))

[ 0.02021142  0.03078334  0.02003874  0.02720543  0.03155438  0.03144383
  0.02854052  0.0170365   0.0202627   0.0282202   0.03053264  0.01741168
  0.02226164  0.01914338  0.01793872  0.03275594  0.03627023]

In [31]:
obs_nd = true_nd_samples.mean()
obs_nd_err = true_nd_samples.std()
nd_func_name = 'calc_analytic_nd'

In [32]:
args = (param_names, rpoints, true_wp_samples.mean(axis = 0), combined_inv_cov, obs_nd, obs_nd_err, nd_func_name)

In [33]:
true_point = np.array([em_params[p] for p in param_names])
true_chi2 =  lnlike(true_point, *args)
print true_chi2

(-17.201516209409434, -17.205148955569673)

In [34]:
chi2s = []
chi2nds = []
for i in xrange(chain.shape[0]/200):
    sample_idx = i*100+chain.shape[0]/2
    chi2, chi2_nd = lnlike(chain[sample_idx, :], *args)
chi2s = np.array(chi2s)*-2
chi2nds = np.array(chi2s)*-2

In [35]:
print chi2s.shape


In [36]:
idxs = chi2s < 100
plt.hist(chi2s[idxs], bins = 100);
plt.xlim([0, 100])
plt.vlines(true_chi2[0]*-2,0,200, lw = 2, label = r'Truth $\chi^2$')
plt.title(r'$\chi^2$ for 2500 random chain samples')

In [ ]: